Still having this problem, and is getting really irritating. Feel free to send me a "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. I just run CCleaner, run defrag, clean registry. I have an actual problem, but no one seems to care. Previous 1 2 template Next. w 2007 l 0 rez rf002.rez

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I do not need new Anti-virus software, because most Anti-virus software Fcks up registry.

w 2007 l 0 rez rf002.rez

Z8Games Moderator since Have a question? I have an actual problem, but no one seems to care.

CrossFire Hacks, Cheats & Aimbots

Originally posted by callmesoul View Post. My scripts are a focus of my will.

My strength 00 my knowledge. This happens to me from time to time. SOMEONE please close this thread before another god damn ret rd posts here with the most generic answer for computers.

Sometimes it says this, others it is RF Still having this problem, and is getting really irritating. When you think you're smart, you probably are smart. Now whenever I start my computer and I don't open CrossFire within 10 minutes of logging in, it gives rf002.rea this error. Kids screaming and kicking about the new auto-ban system, on the other hand, get what they wanted.

It was happening more and more often.


Born of flesh and blood, but enhanced by the power of its web. I'm pretty convinced it is not a user-sided problem.

Dimention -- [ Honorable ] kdr 1. I'm just pretty tired of having to restart my computer just to play this game. I do not have ANY anti-virus software, I have not changed the file, or any other files in the REZ folder, there aren't any interfering programs, I have tried turning off X-Fire In-Game, Steam, and scanning my computer with multiple programs.

Trooper Gun Most Used: Have you tried uninstalling it and actually deleting the Z8Games folder before you reinstall it? If that rez file isn't there i can copy mine and give it to you it might work might not.

For the last god damn time, all of your dumbass, ridiculously broad comments are NOT helping.

CrossFire Hacks, Cheats & Aimbots - Page 10

Can you post a list of processes running when you get the error, and possibly one for when you can actually rf00.rez the game? Defrag CF with GameBooster and it should work after. I am part of the greater network. I just run CCleaner, run defrag, clean registry.

And why the hell wouldn't I have looked into this bull sh1t the last 10 months I've had the problem? Reboot, and works fine.

"File is changed " W[] L[0] rez\RFrez - Z8Games

I have no use for pain or fear. That could be interfering. When this happened to me, I system restored to the previous day and that solved it.

When I think you're dumb, you are dumb.

w 2007 l 0 rez rf002.rez

I do NOT need any Defrag software, that can corrupt certain programs, and I have nothing to defrag in the first place. My flesh is weak, but my connection is eternal; and therefore, I am a rf002rez. This used to be a minor annoyance, happening when I would load CrossFire multiple times.
